
Step into the Future
of Health

Suit Up to Analyze, and Optimize Your Body!

What is Weariable

Introducing the Wearia Smart Belt, a pioneering wearable that redefines health and fitness tracking. Worn discreetly under the chest, this innovative device boasts ECG and PPG sensors to measure heart activity and blood flow. Additionally, it features a skin temperature sensor and an EDA sensor for stress detection, providing a comprehensive view of your cardiovascular health and stress levels, ultimately empowering you to prioritize your well-being like never before. cardiovascular well-being and stress levels.

Technical Strengths

Liberty of movement

Wearing the device, users can seamlessly and unrestrictedly move, allowing for a heightened sense of immersion and a truly authentic, natural experience

Real-Time Data stream

The Wearia device offers real-time tracking and monitoring of heart health, respiratory function, and physical activity, presenting a holistic solution

Access to Raw data

presents to users in-depth, unprocessed data, top empower individuals to assume control over their health voyage.

Built in SD Card memory

All three data types (ECG, respiration, pedometer) are stored on an integrated SD card for convenient access and analysis.

PMIC Chips

Power management integrated circuits provide safeguarding against overcurrents and thermal issues, enabling extended device usage over prolonged periods

Bluetooth Connectivity

The device connects via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE5) to the user’s mobile device, resulting in longer battery life, and mitigates any potential negative effects on human health.

Quick start set up

user friendly design to make the installation process a breeze and ensure smooth usage from the start

EMS-TENS stimulation

Electrical Muscle Stimulation and  Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation that use electrical currents to provide therapeutic benefits.


Furthermore, the Smart Belt can emit targeted analog patterns as electrical signals, stimulating different body areas through multiple strategically positioned electrodes. This versatile electrical stimulation technique finds applications in pain management, muscle activation, and rehabilitation. With its integrated microcontroller, the device offers meticulous control over stimulation parameters, amplifying its versatility for diverse applications.

Analytic Array

Full body Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis. It is a method used to measure the electrical impedance of biological tissues in the body like Fat mass, Fat free mass, Skeleton muscle mass, total body water, BMI (body mass index) BMR (Basal metabolic rate)

The number of heart beats per minute

It is a non-invasive optical technique used to measure changes in blood volume within tissues and the suit can track it in real time

R-to-R,SDNN,RMSSD,SDSD.SD1,SD2, and Baevsky’s stress index

a medical test that records the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time using electrodes placed on the skin. An ECG can help healthcare professionals evaluate the heart's rhythm and electrical conduction, providing valuable information about heart health and diagnosing various cardiac conditions

measure of the amount of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin in the blood relative to the total hemoglobin present

 calculated stress levels by utilizing vital data collected 

 the use of tactile feedback or vibrations to provide sensory sensations to a person's skin, often in response to certain actions, events, or inputs

feedback technique used for stress management. It measures the electrical conductance of the skin's surface, which changes in response to sweat production influenced by emotional or psychological arousal.

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps it throughout the body. It is a critical measure of cardiovascular health

As you flex and extend your fingers, the sensors precisely detect the angles, velocities, and orientations of each joint, translating these intricate motions into a digital representation. This data then forms the foundation for immersive interactions within virtual environments or applications

The number of breaths per minute recorded and shown in realtime

It is a measure of the oxygen saturation level in the blood, specifically in the peripheral (outside of the core, central part) areas of the body

the measure of the internal heat of an organism's body. It is a critical indicator of an individual's health and can provide insights into various physiological processes.

the amount of water or fluid present in an individual's body. Adequate hydration is essential for maintaining various physiological functions and overall well-being.

refers to the proportion of cells in a biological sample or tissue. It indicates the density or concentration of cells within a specific area or volume. Cellularity is often used to describe the composition of tissues, particularly in medical and biological contexts

Intracellular fluid refers to the fluid contained within the cells of the body and Extracellular fluid refers to the fluid outside the cells these are are two main compartments of bodily fluids that play crucial roles in maintaining the body's internal environment and supporting various physiological processes.

also known as blood glucose, refers to the concentration of glucose (a type of sugar) present in the bloodstream. Glucose is a primary source of energy for cells and is essential for various bodily functions

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

refers to the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps it throughout the body. It is a fundamental physiological parameter that indicates the health and functioning of the cardiovascular system that can be recorded continuously and cuff less

How to use Weariable

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