

Wearia aims to enhance emotional and cognitive experiences while promoting overall health and wellbeing of users in metaverse environments through full-body and modular wearable devices that combine bio-sensing, haptics, body tracking and stimulations. By creating an open-source and open development platform, we hope to build a community of users and developers that can improve healthcare technologies over time.
The platform also emphasizes the importance of data sharing within the community to build large, qualified data sets that will help provide better and personalized stimulations. This is supported by the Allostasis DAO foundation, which promotes health and sustainability through token rewards, and our own token economy through the use of Stasis and Allo tokens. The goal of our platform is to provide personalized augmentation of emotional and cognitive experiences through efficient body models and personalized stimulations.

Wearia’s platform is addressing several key challenges in the field of emotional and cognitive augmentation, personal data ownership, and overall health and wellbeing. One major challenge is the limited understanding of the body-consciousness connection or mechanism, which hinders the development of effective interventions. Wearia’s platform provides advanced bio-sensing capabilities and personalized stimulations, such as electrical, magnetic, photonic, and ultrasonic, to improve understanding of the body-consciousness connection and enable personalized augmentation of emotional and cognitive experiences in metaverse environments and daily life.
Another key challenge is the difficulty in creating big and qualified data sets to support research breakthroughs. Wearia’s open-source and open development approach allows for data sharing in the community, which helps provide better and personalized stimulations and simulations by applying efficient body models. Additionally, Wearia’s platform provides big data from daily life, including metaverse experiences of millions of members, which enables better understanding of the body-consciousness connection and personal data ownership through blockchain technology and tokens of Allostasis DAO foundation that support startups for health and sustainability.
Finally, the limited ability to create customized and personalized wearables has been a significant challenge. Wearia’s platform allows for designers, researchers, and developers to create NFTs of their designs, services, and algorithms, and make income from the community, leading to more personalized and customized wearables for each user. Furthermore, Wearia’s platform provides integrated DeFi and NFT for funding groups of developers, designers, and researchers that have ideas for creating new value, overcoming the challenge of limited access to funding for researchers and developers. Wearia’s platform utilizes the latest technologies, including Nordic powerful processors, BLE 5 wireless connectivity, advanced bio-sensing chips from Texas instruments, 9DOF IMUs, built-in memory, PUF code, expandable modular design, and support for smart textiles with integrated electrodes, overcoming the challenge of limited access to the latest technology.

Biosignals are essential to monitor the health and well-being of individuals. For example, ECG signals measure the electrical activity of the heart and provide critical information on heart rate, rhythm, and any irregularities [1]. On the other hand, PPG signals track changes in blood volume and are used to evaluate blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation [2]. Respiration signals offer insight into breathing rate and depth, making it a useful tool for monitoring respiratory issues, such as asthma or sleep apnea [3]. Bio-Z signals, obtained through the measurement of impedance between two skin electrodes, assess fluid changes in the body, such as hydration and blood volume [4]. They can also estimate body mass index (BMI). Skin temperature and electrodermal activity (EDA) are crucial indicators of overall health, with the latter serving as a reliable indicator for evaluating body dehydration.
Wearia biosensing devices are equipped with state-of-the-art sensors capable of measuring various important biosignals. For instance, the devices can extract heart rate variability (HRV) parameters, which indicate the variation in time between heartbeats and can be used to infer the user’s stress and recovery level. Additionally, the devices can measure blood pressure, a vital indicator of cardiovascular health, useful for tracking changes over time and identifying hypertension. Other features that can be extracted include body fat percentage, a crucial indicator of overall health and fitness, and skin temperature, which provides insight into the user’s physiological state.


Report of bio-sensing data

Wearable technology has revolutionized healthcare by enabling biosignal monitoring at any time and place, without the need for a clinical environment. This has significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of health monitoring, enabling individuals to take control of their health and effectively manage their health conditions. The advent of Wearia technology makes recording important biosignals easier and more convenient, providing individuals with real-time data to monitor their health status and track progress over time.

Wearia is a platform that leverages multiple bio-sensing features to provide a comprehensive understanding of the user’s physiological and cognitive state. This includes the use of advanced bio-sensing technologies such as ECG, PPG, EDA, skin temperature, sweat biosensors, EMG, and EEG, which can detect nervous system, hormonal, and cardiovascular activity. By using these features, the Wearia platform can provide a more accurate and personalized augmentation of emotional and cognitive experiences in virtual and real-life environments, as well as better monitoring of the user’s overall health and wellbeing.
The researchers and developers of the Wearia community are constantly researching new technologies and methods to improve the platform’s performance. This includes incorporating machine learning and artificial intelligence to monitor the user’s state, and developing bio-sensing algorithms that can analyze multiple features simultaneously. They are also exploring new bio-sensors and methods of data analysis to further enhance the platform’s capabilities. With these efforts, the Wearia platform aims to provide a more accurate and efficient experience that can adapt to the user’s changing physiological and cognitive state, while also better monitoring their overall health and wellbeing.

The Wearia platform incorporates advanced full-body IMU 9DOF sensors for motion and posture tracking. These sensors are capable of detecting the user’s movements and position in 3D space, enabling accurate tracking of the user’s posture and motion. The sensors can detect rotational and linear movements in all three dimensions, allowing the platform to track the position of the head, shoulders, hips, and feet, among other body parts. The platform can also track the user’s movements, including walking, running, and jumping.
The platform provides real-time monitoring of posture and motion, so that any deviations from desired posture and motion can be immediately identified. The motion and posture data collected by the platform can be used to measure the user’s physical activity levels and to monitor overall wellness. The collected data can be shared with the community of users and developers to build large qualified data sets that can improve the platform’s performance over time.
In addition, the full-body IMU 9DOF sensors not only allow for accurate posture tracking in real life but also in virtual environments, such as the metaverse. In virtual environments, body language plays a crucial role in communication and interaction with others. The ability to accurately track posture and motion in virtual environments enables users to communicate and express themselves more effectively, providing a more immersive and authentic experience in the metaverse.

Wearia’s platform offers advanced biofeedback capabilities that allow users to monitor and track their body’s physiological responses in real-time. The platform features a range of biofeedback techniques, including heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), and galvanic skin response (GSR). The platform also allows users to track their posture and motion through the use of full-body IMU 9DOF sensors. Wearia’s biofeedback capabilities are useful for research purposes, allowing researchers to study the body’s physiological responses to various stimuli, leading to new insights and discoveries in the field of biofeedback.
The Wearia platform’s biofeedback capabilities are particularly useful in cognitive rehabilitation, helping users to develop new coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and anxiety and improve their overall emotional and cognitive well-being. Additionally, biofeedback can help users to optimize their exercise and physical activity, leading to better overall health and fitness. Wearia’s advanced biofeedback capabilities can also be used to regulate various physiological and cognitive states, such as heart rate variability and brainwave activity, helping users to improve their cognitive abilities.
Moreover, Wearia’s biofeedback capabilities can be integrated into virtual reality environments, allowing researchers and developers to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between the body and mind. This can lead to new insights and discoveries in the field of embodiment and improve the overall user experience in virtual reality environments. The platform can also monitor sleep patterns and use the data to improve understanding of the relationship between sleep and cognitive function, providing a powerful tool for researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the body and mind.

The Wearia platform’s advanced haptic technology plays a crucial role in enhancing the immersion of metaverse experiences. The platform incorporates various haptic actuators, including vibration motors, shape-memory alloys, electroactive polymers, and piezoelectric materials, to simulate a range of haptic effects such as vibrations, pressure, and temperature changes. These actuators are integrated into the wearable devices, providing users with a more realistic and immersive experience in virtual environments [5-6].
The haptic technology of the Wearia platform allows for the simulation of various touch, temperature, and pressure sensations, including the feeling of a warm sun on the skin, the sensation of a cool breeze, or the sensation of raindrops on the skin. Additionally, the platform can simulate the sensation of touch, such as the feeling of a soft cotton shirt or the sensation of a rough brick wall. The platform’s haptic technology can also simulate different types of movements and postures, such as the sensation of walking or running, allowing for a more realistic and immersive experience in virtual environments. These haptic simulation capabilities provide a powerful tool for enhancing the immersion of metaverse experiences and enhancing the emotional and cognitive experiences of users.

The Wearia platform offers a unique solution to therapeutic and cognitive issues through electrical stimulation technology [7]. This technology employs various techniques such as TENS, tDCS, and ECT, to relieve pain and treat conditions like chronic pain, osteoarthritis, depression, and PTSD, as well as enhance cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and decision-making [8]. Moreover, the Wearia platform’s electrical stimulation technology provides a tool for enhancing emotional and cognitive experiences in metaverse environments, using taVNS, which involves stimulation of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve. This non-invasive technique has been found to be effective in treating conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD and can be personalized by adjusting stimulation levels and timing. Additionally, recent studies have shown that electrical stimulation can promote cellular proliferation, making the platform a powerful tool for promoting tissue repair and regeneration.
The Wearia platform also incorporates magnetic stimulation technology, using techniques like TMS, which has been found to be effective in enhancing emotional and cognitive processes and treating depression, anxiety, and chronic pain [9]. The platform’s magnetic array uses multiple magnetic coils to deliver stimulation to specific body regions, offering a more precise and specific targeting of stimulation.
Photonic and laser stimulations are also used by the Wearia platform to enhance emotional and cognitive experiences in the metaverse and for various therapeutic applications. Techniques like Optogenetics, Transcranial Light Therapy, and Transcranial Near-Infrared Light Therapy use light to modulate neural activity and target specific areas involved in emotional and cognitive processes. These stimulations can also be used in cell proliferation, regeneration, and aging research and the Wearia platform’s ability to provide these stimulations and track bio-sensors can help in the development of new therapies [10].
Finally, ultrasonic stimulations, delivered through techniques like Transcranial Ultrasound Therapy and Transcranial Pulsed Ultrasound, use high-frequency sound waves to modulate the body’s neural activity. These stimulations have positive effects on emotional and cognitive processes and potential therapeutic applications in conditions like depression, chronic pain, physical therapy, and cosmetic procedures, as well as in proliferation, regeneration, and aging research, tissue engineering, drug delivery, and biosensing [11-12].

The Wearia platform is a technology that incorporates advanced sensors and statistical methods to provide a more complete understanding of embodied perception. Embodiment has three key components: interoception, exteroception, and proprioception, each of which refers to a different aspect of bodily perception. Interoception refers to the ability to perceive internal bodily sensations, such as heart rate and other vital signs, while exteroception refers to the ability to perceive external stimuli, such as light and sound. Proprioception refers to the ability to perceive the position and movement of the body. The Wearia platform can accurately measure all of these aspects of perception through its bio-sensing, external sensory integration, and motion tracking technology.
The Wearia platform also incorporates Bayesian inference, a statistical method used to make predictions based on uncertain information. By combining the data from its various capabilities, the platform can provide new insights into the relationship between the body’s internal state, external environment, movement, and emotional experiences. This research has implications for fields such as neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and virtual reality technology, and can be used to improve the accuracy and completeness of the platform’s interoception, exteroception, and proprioception recognition.

The FEP, proposed by Karl Friston, states that biological systems, including the body, are constantly trying to reduce their surprise or uncertainty about their environment by minimizing the free energy of the system. In other words, the body is constantly trying to make predictions about the environment and reduce the error between its predictions and the incoming sensory data. This is where predictive coding comes in. Predictive coding is a theory that explains how the brain makes predictions about incoming sensory information and uses these predictions to update its model of the world. The brain does this by generating predictions based on prior knowledge and comparing them to incoming sensory information. Any errors between the predictions and the actual sensory information are then used to update the brain’s model.
Bio-electricity refers to the electrical activity that occurs within the body, which is generated by the movement of ions across cell membranes and is essential for the functioning of cells and tissues. Dr. Michael Levin, a leading researcher in the field of bio-electricity, has proposed that bio-electricity plays an important role in the regulation of gene expression, cell differentiation, tissue repair, and cells collective intelligence processes.
The Wearia platform integrates these concepts by using bio-sensing technology to measure the electrical activity within the body and using this data to make predictions about the body’s internal state and external environment. Additionally, by using the FEP and predictive coding, the platform can make predictions about the body’s internal state and external environment and use this information to optimize the delivery of stimulations to the body. By doing so, researchers may be able to identify new targets for regenerative therapies or interventions that can slow down the aging process.
Moreover, by providing a better understanding of the relationship between bio-electricity, predictive coding, and regeneration/aging, researchers can develop new technologies for enhancing cellular proliferation and regeneration, and develop new therapies for various aging-related diseases. Additionally, the Wearia platform’s integration of FEP, bio-electricity, and predictive coding provides a powerful tool for understanding the mechanisms underlying cognition and physiology and for optimizing the delivery of stimulations to the body. This can lead to new insights and discoveries in the field of bio-sensing and stimulation.

The Wearia platform is built on the principles of openness, community, and user control. As an open-source and open-development platform, it fosters collaboration and innovation within its community of users and developers. The platform’s focus on data democracy, ownership, and privacy ensures that users have full control over their data and can choose to share it with the community or keep it private.
The platform’s use of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) model provides a democratic decision-making process, where all members of the community have a say in the development and direction of the platform. With the creation of a token economy, users can earn tokens for contributing to the platform and use them to purchase services and products on the platform or trade them on cryptocurrency exchanges.
The platform’s use of blockchain technology ensures data security and privacy, as data is stored on a decentralized and distributed ledger, making it tamper-proof and accessible only to authorized parties. This feature provides users with the confidence that their data is safe and secure, and they have full control over it.
The Wearia platform’s approach to openness, community, and user control is essential to its success. The platform’s openness fosters collaboration and innovation, while its democratic decision-making process ensures that the community’s interests are at the forefront of platform development. The platform’s use of blockchain technology ensures data security and privacy, providing users with the confidence to share their data with the community. This focus on openness, community, and user control can lead to new discoveries and advancements in the field of metaverse experiences, making the Wearia platform a powerful tool for the future.

Wearia’s membership in Fiware provides a wealth of services and resources for developing IoT applications, including context management, security, and data management. Fiware offers a comprehensive set of open-source APIs and tools that can be utilized to develop IoT applications, including those related to wearables. These APIs and tools enable the development of IoT applications based on standard protocols such as MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, and others, which enables Wearia to effortlessly connect its platform to other devices and services and deliver greater value to its users. Below is a brief overview of the potential functionalities that Wearia could leverage from Fiware (see below diagram):

● Context Management: Context management is a powerful tool for Wearia as it allows the platform to manage and process context data generated by IoT devices and other sources. This data can then be utilized to create a more personalized and intelligent user experience by providing Wearia with real-time information about the user’s environment, behavior, and preferences. With Fiware’s context management services, Wearia can easily collect, store, and analyze context data, allowing it to provide a more effective and personalized wearable technology.
● Security: Security is an essential aspect of any IoT application, particularly for wearable devices that collect sensitive user data. With Fiware’s security mechanisms, such as authentication, authorization, and encryption, Wearia can guarantee that the data generated by its bio-sensors and other devices remains confidential and secure. By utilizing Fiware’s data governance tools, Wearia can also manage data ownership, access, and sharing, allowing it to control the flow of sensitive data.
● Data Analytics: Wearia can also benefit from Fiware’s data analytics services, which can be used to process and analyze the data generated by its bio-sensors and other devices. This data can then be utilized to extract insights that can be used to improve the platform and its wearable technology. For example, data analytics can identify patterns in user behavior, detect anomalies, and predict future trends, making it possible to provide more effective and personalized wearable technology.
● Standard IoT and Data Models: Fiware’s promotion of standard IoT and data models is one of its distinctive features. This ensures that different smart solutions and services can effortlessly communicate and share data with each other. By utilizing Fiware’s data models, Wearia can provide a common structure for the representation of data generated by IoT devices and services. This makes it easier for different applications to comprehend and process the data, allowing Wearia to effortlessly integrate its platform with other smart solutions and create greater value for its users.
● Ecosystem of Services and Resources: Fiware also offers an ecosystem of services and resources, including data management, data visualization, and data storage, among others. These services can be utilized to integrate Wearia’s platform with other smart solutions and services, enabling it to create greater value for its users. For example, Wearia can utilize Fiware’s data visualization tools to create interactive dashboards and reports, providing users with real-time insights and analysis. Wearia can also utilize Fiware’s data storage services to securely store and manage large amounts of data, enabling it to scale the platform and support more users and devices.

IPFS is a powerful tool for building a private network, as it provides a decentralized and distributed file system that enables nodes in the network to securely and efficiently store and share data with each other. One of the benefits of using IPFS for building a private network is that it supports content-addressable data storage, which means that data is stored and retrieved based on its content rather than its location, ensuring the integrity of the data. Another advantage is that IPFS nodes can be programmed to join and interact within a private network in a way that is similar to a public IPFS network. By configuring the nodes to use a private network ID and to only accept connections from other nodes with the same network ID, a private IPFS network can be created that is only accessible to specific individuals or organizations, ensuring the privacy and security of the data stored on the network.
In addition to its storage and sharing capabilities, IPFS also offers programming features that allow developers to build applications on top of the network. IPFS nodes can be programmed to perform various tasks such as data processing, encryption, and decryption, enabling developers to build decentralized applications that utilize the IPFS network for storage and communication. Moreover, IPFS provides a mechanism for publishing data to the network and distributing it to other nodes, which makes it ideal for sharing large amounts of data among nodes in a private network. With its decentralized architecture and content-addressable data storage, IPFS is a suitable choice for building private networks that require secure and efficient data storage and sharing capabilities, such as those used in the context of IoT devices and sensor data.
IPFS offers a variety of useful features for storing and managing product data, including the ability to store metadata and header information alongside the data itself, as well as the ability to link multiple pieces of data together to create complex data structures. This makes it easy to search and retrieve specific pieces of information, even for products with large amounts of associated data. IPFS is also highly secure and reliable, with data stored in a decentralized network that provides protection against network failures and unauthorized access. Additionally, IPFS is a great platform for storing and sharing blog content, as it provides version control and ensures that content is always accessible from any location.

In the proposed use case for Wearia, blockchain can be utilized to store the hash codes of data stored in IPFS nodes. This can help ensure the integrity of the data and prevent unauthorized modifications. To achieve this, each IPFS node can generate a hash code for the data it stores, and this hash code can be added to a transaction on the blockchain. The transaction can then be validated and added to the blockchain, providing an immutable record of the hash code. In addition to this, blockchain can also be used for authentication of data consumers through the use of a blockchain wallet like MetaMask. This can help ensure that only authorized users have access to the data stored in IPFS nodes. By requiring users to authenticate their identity through a blockchain wallet, the system can verify that they have the necessary permissions to access the data. This can help prevent unauthorized access and ensure the security and privacy of the data stored in the system.
In this integration, smart contracts would play an essential role in automating the execution of business logic and enforcing the rules of the system. Smart contracts, as self-executing programs that run on a blockchain network, allow for the creation of trustless, decentralized applications. The responsibilities of smart contracts would include:
● Validation of transactions: Smart contracts would validate incoming transactions to ensure that they meet the required criteria before executing them. This would help to prevent invalid or fraudulent transactions from being processed.
● Execution of business logic: Smart contracts would execute the business logic of our system, such as the rules for rewards and penalties. They would automatically execute the necessary actions based on the data and conditions specified in the contract.
● Management of data: Smart contracts would store and manage data on the blockchain, allowing for secure and transparent access to important information.
● Facilitation of transactions: Smart contracts would facilitate the exchange of value between participants in our ecosystem, enabling the transfer of assets and the distribution of rewards.
● Enforcing rules and regulations: Smart contracts would enforce the rules and regulations of our system, ensuring that all participants comply with the established guidelines.

According to market research, the global wearable market size was valued at USD 61.3 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.6% from 2023 to 2030. The demand for wearables is expected to continue growing as more consumers adopt these devices for personal health and fitness tracking, smart home integration, and mobile payments. By 2030, the wearable market is predicted to reach USD 186.14 billion, driven by factors such as advancements in sensor technology, increasing adoption of smartwatches, and rising demand for connected wearable devices in healthcare and industrial applications.

Wearia’s business model centers around the sale of open-source and open-development hardware (PCB) and software modules to developers, designers, and researchers for creating new wearable devices and IoT applications. In addition, subscription-based VIP services are offered that include access to AI services, novel features, and personalized reports. Wearia also earns commission from selling products and services offered by other Wearia-powered solutions. Users have the opportunity to monetize their own data, allowing Wearia to earn a commission from data monetization. The aim is to generate revenue to support the development and growth of the community. Integration with Fiware and use of blockchain technology enables Wearia to provide unique and valuable services, such as data democratization, ownership, and privacy to users, setting Wearia apart from traditional businesses and positioning it well to capture a significant share of the rapidly expanding wearable technology market.

Wearia token economy is based on the Allo token, which is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. To support the development of the Wearia platform and community, the Allostasis DAO foundation has allocated 500 million Allo tokens. These tokens will be used to incentivize users to participate in and engage with the Wearia ecosystem. For instance, users who contribute to the development of the platform by creating new products, adding new users, sharing and donating data for research, or by adding nodes to the network will be rewarded with Allo tokens. In addition to incentivizing contributions to the platform, Stasis and Allo tokens can be used to fund development or creative projects within Wearia through the use of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. It is noteworthy that Stasis is also Allostasis’s stable token that is mintable against cash fiat and can be used for financing startups and projects. This creates a positive feedback loop of growth and development within the Wearia ecosystem, as users are incentivized to contribute, which drives further growth and development, in turn, creating more incentives for users to contribute.

Token economics is a crucial aspect of the Allo token, the ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain that is used in the Wearia community. Allostasis has allocated 500,000,000 Allo tokens to Wearia, which will be staked and released based on meeting specific working package goals outlined in Wearia’s proposal. The tokens will be released upon achieving these goals, bringing in new users, or providing funds by decentralized finance (DeFi). The Wearia team is committed to completing 4 working packages by the end of 2024, with 7% of the total Allo tokens allocated for this purpose. In addition, 17% of the tokens have been allocated to the team and founders for platform development, while 4% will be held in the Wearia treasury. Another 3% has been allocated for marketing, which will be reported to the community. The majority of the total tokens, 60%, have been allocated for community participants, i.e., users, developers, and researchers who contribute to the development of the ecosystem, with 5% set aside for public sale through decentralized finance (DeFi) for ecosystem development purposes. Additionally, 4% of the released tokens will be allocated for rewards to incentivize node participation.

Wearia will release allocated tokens based on the success of the platform in increasing users, ensuring sustainable growth of the token value.

Wearia is a promising technology that has the potential to transform the healthcare and wellness industries. With its advanced biosensing capabilities, it can gather vital health data from wearables and sensors, enabling healthcare providers to monitor their patients’ health in real-time. The built-in stimulation features also allow for non-invasive treatments to be administered to patients, reducing the need for more invasive and painful procedures. Additionally, the motion tracking capabilities of Wearia allow for the tracking of physical activity and exercise, enabling users to monitor their fitness levels and set goals to improve their overall health.

The data publication and monetization features of Wearia provide users with the ability to monetize their health data, potentially creating new revenue streams for individuals and organizations alike. With integration into FIWARE, Wearia can seamlessly interact with other platforms, enabling even more opportunities for data sharing and collaboration. The integration with blockchain technology and IPFS also provides users with a secure and decentralized platform for data storage and sharing, ensuring the privacy and security of sensitive health data.

Overall, Wearia is a powerful platform with a range of features that make it an attractive option for both healthcare providers and consumers. Its ability to gather vital health data, administer non-invasive treatments, and track physical activity and fitness levels, combined with its data publication and monetization features and integration with other platforms, make it a compelling solution for improving health and wellness outcomes. As the technology continues to develop, Wearia is poised to become an essential tool in the healthcare and wellness industries.

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The Allostasis ecosystem includes a portfolio of 7 innovative startups that have been developing since mid-2019. By the end of 2022, each of these startups has developed a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and they work together as an interconnected ecosystem. At the core of this ecosystem is Allostasis, a blockchain-based decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) foundation that is dedicated to promoting health and sustainability. The foundation rewards tokens, called Stasis, to the other 6 startups as an incentive for their participation in the ecosystem and alignment with its goals.

The first startup in the portfolio, Centeria Marketplace, is focused on revolutionizing the way we think about digital ownership and financial transactions. By leveraging Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) technologies, Centeria aims to create a platform that allows for secure and transparent digital and physical asset ownership and financial transactions. The marketplace also provides access to services provided by startups or community members, enabling them to monetize their digital and physical assets and services, and creating a vibrant and decentralized economy.

The second startup, Embodia, is a decentralized open-source and open-development metaverse platform. Embodia offers secure, end-to-end encrypted, and decentralized peer-to-peer collaboration. It is built using open-source game engine and collaboration server technology, and it offers metaverse experience services to other members of the Allostasis ecosystem as well as users can add servers to the network freely by themselves. It has ready products for various use cases such as self-meetings, group meetings, doctor’s rooms, psychotherapy rooms, and seminar rooms. It also allows game developers, researchers, asset and avatar designers to create and monetize their own metaverse experiences for expanding the community.

The third startup, Avatia, is a cutting-edge platform for precision medicine that utilizes human personal avatar as her digital twin. The platform allows users to collect and store their wearables and clinical data in a secure and standardized format, giving them control and ownership over their own health data. This data is used to update the user’s digital twin and avatar, allowing for a more accurate and personalized digital representation of the user. The realistic avatars created on Avatia can also be utilized on the metaverse platform, this can lead to more precise and effective treatments and care, and also allows for more efficient and personalized research in the field of precision medicine.

The fourth startup, Incarnia, is a state-of-the-art platform for personal biofeedback, emotion recognition, and cognitive recognition. The platform is designed to provide users with a comprehensive understanding of their own physical and emotional states. Users can access the self-meeting room from Embodia and utilize the services of OpenAI or other providers for biofeedback and self-recognition. Furthermore, the platform can be integrated with wearables and other devices to provide real-time biofeedback, allowing users to make adjustments in real-time to improve their physical and emotional well-being. The platform also provides opportunities for self-reflection and personal development, and it can be used for various purposes such as therapy, meditation, and stress management.

The fifth startup, Wearia, is a revolutionary open-source and open-development wearable platform. It offers a wide range of modular full-body wearables that are designed to be flexible and customizable to meet the individual needs of users. These wearables include advanced bio-sensing technology that can measure various physiological parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep patterns. In addition, Wearia’s wearables feature haptic feedback technology that can simulate touch and temperature, as well as stimulation technology that can provide targeted stimulation to different areas of the body. The platform also includes body tracking technology that can track the user’s movements and posture, providing valuable insights into their physical activity. Wearia’s platform is also designed to provide users with a more immersive and interactive experience in Embodia and Incarnia and to give them more control over their physical and emotional well-being. The platform also provides opportunities for developers, researchers, and manufacturers to create new wearable solutions that can be used in different fields such as health, sports, entertainment, and education. By leveraging the open-source and open-development nature of the platform, Wearia aims to create a vibrant and decentralized economy where new and innovative solutions can flourish.

The sixth startup, Greenia, is a decentralized e-commerce platform that is dedicated to promoting sustainable solutions for IoT, automation, electrification, and digitalization products. It also includes an industry 4.0 and energy efficiency experts’ network, which provides users with access to a wealth of resources and expertise in these areas. Additionally, Greenia features a smart and green solution blog platform, which serves as a hub for knowledge and community engagement, providing users with the latest information and insights on sustainable solutions. One of the most significant benefits of Greenia is that it creates a green community within the Allostasis ecosystem. Users and members can meet and collaborate with each other, share knowledge and ideas and make training courses by Embodia. This allows for a more collaborative and decentralized approach to promoting sustainability, and it also helps to create a more engaged and informed community of users.

This portfolio of startups represents a unique combination of cutting-edge technologies that have the potential to make a significant impact in the areas of open science, precision medicine, sustainability, and data democracy. The ecosystem, is dedicated to open science and has a strong focus on health and precision medicine. By converging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), metaverse (VR/AR/MR) and blockchain (web3), and also these startups are also focused on sustainability, particularly in the areas of smart-cities and industry 4.0.

In addition to current portfolio of startups, Allostasis founders also believe in fostering an open and inclusive ecosystem where other startups and individuals can contribute and promote the goals of Allostasis. By building a community-driven ecosystem, we aim to create a platform where new and innovative ideas can flourish and be supported by the community. Allostasis plan to achieve this by implementing a voting system where the community can vote on new startups that align with the goals of Allostasis. This will allow for a more democratic and decentralized approach to building the ecosystem. Startups that are voted in by the community will be able to access the resources, support, and network of the existing startups, as well as the benefits of the Allostasis tokens (Stasis and Allo).